
Every product that we create is built by our saddle makers that have worked with leather for decades, each saddle is crafted directly from Hermann Oak the best skirting leather hides in the world.  Whether sewn by hand or machine the process for each of our small items such as wallets, tote bags, and women’s purses are created with great care and meticulous attention to detail. Italian leather from tanneries in Tuscany such as Walpier and Badalassi are used almost exclusively.  Handcrafted goods will almost always outlast any mass-produced retail item. 

We do not hesitate to repair and replace any item received that does not meet your expectations or malfunctions. Mondragon Saddle Shop will always accept any item in new condition.

We do not ship internationally. We do not refund any amount when we do not control shipping to the customer. We do not refund when outside logistic shipping companies are requested.

Call Direct or Text at - (928-387-2372) - (385-312-2358) Email with the get in touch button.